A groundbreaking, innovative event that inspires the future. It could be your future as an Arrowman or maybe it’s your impact on future Arrowmen. This Conclave is Section W6W’s event for the future. Picture a company’s tech reveal, unveiling their latest and most innovative product ever. The one core idea behind every innovative tech reveal is that they all seek to “Catch the Higher Vision.” That is what we seek to capture in this year’s conclave.
So don’t miss out on our improved Activities Midway, including everything from a new VR experience to the W6W Escape Room Challenge. Join us in experiencing an innovative Conclave from brand new up-to-date training classes to an updated Top Lodge Competition to entertaining and inspiring shows that will challenge you to Think Big…Inspire the Future…Catch the Higher Vision. REGISTER NOW !!! https://scoutingevent.com/010-27594 Happy Easter my fellow arrowmen!
There is so much to do this spring. First we have ordeals. The first ordeal is at Camp R-C from May 3 to May 5. The second ordeal is at Camp Geronimo on May 17 to May 19.The third ordeal is at Camp Raymond on September 6 to September 8. Check the Calendar and register TODAY!!! We need Elangomats to help usher our new Brothers and Sisters into our Order !!! http://www.sikyalki.org/chapter-calendar.html If you have not paid your dues, please pay them. The dues are only $10 for the year. I invite you to come to our chapter meetings. The address is 5540 E. Main St., Mesa, AZ 85205 and is called Velda Rose United Methodist Church. We are looking for a Ceremonies team! If you are interested, please contact me or Izaak for more information. I hope to see you at our ordeals and other lodge events. Kaleb Romero Chapter Chief Sikialki Chapter My fellow Arrowmen of Sikyalki, As you may know, Camp Geronimo is hosting an National Leadership Seminar (NLS) . https://registration.oa-bsa.org/Event/1066 The cost of this program is $175, though to boost attendance, National is offering a $50 automatic scholarship for every youth Arrowman to attend. There will also be an additional $50 scholarship available from the Lodge through application, this will likely be by way of reimbursement as we do not yet have the form online. There is a slight problem though, We do not have enough members signed up. We need 30 more members to sign up by February 15, If this does not happen, NLS will be canceled, as well as The lodge no longer being on the list to host future NLS courses. We need you help to maintain this program in our area. This is a great training and will add depth of leadership to our Arrowmen , youth and adult alike. As your Chapter Chief I will be going and I strongly urge you to sign up for NLS so we can continue to have this great training close to home for future Arrowmen. Hi-
My name is Kaleb Romero, your new Chapter Chief. I am 14 years-old.I was in Cub Scouts for 2 and a half and I recived my arrow of light. I have now been in scouts for almost 3 years and am working on my Eagle project. I was inducted into the OA in March of 2018. My goal by the end of my term is to have more overall attendace to meetings and events.I am open to any meeting and event ideas you may have to help me reach this goal.The first person to find me and tell me their goal for this year, will receive a prize. Lets make this a great year!! Kaleb Romero Sikyalki Chapter Chief |